Anyone up to 2 years of age is classified as an infant. Infants must travel in the same seat as the parent or legal guardian. In most cases the infant travels for free or pays approximately 10% of the adult fare. Some airlines do have sky cots / bassinet available on request on their aircraft (usually on long haul flights), however availability is limited. If your infant is 1 year old on the outbound journey but turns 2 by the time of the return journey, you need to book the flights for a child and not for an infant.
A traveller between 2 to 12 year old is classified as a child, and anyone above 12 years old is classified as an adult. If your child is 11 years old at the time of departure but turns 12 before the return journey, they could still travel on a child fare or may have to pay for an adult fare. This may vary from one airline to another. Please do contact the airline directly for clarification on the same.
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