You can update your Airline Loyalty membership by visiting the Account section on our website or mobile app or while making a booking.
On our website
To update your own Airline Loyalty membership details:
- Go to your Personal information tab in your account
- Scroll down to Airline Loyalty memberships
- To add a new number, click on Add membership . To update an existing number, click on it.
- Modify the required details and save it.
To update Airline Loyalty memberships details of saved travellers:
- Go to your Personal information tab in your account
- Scroll down to Saved Travellers section
- Select the traveller for whom you want to update the Airline Loyalty membership details
- Scroll down to the Airline Loyalty memberships section and add / update the details.
- Click on Save.
On our app or mobile site
To update your own Airline Loyalty membership details:
- Go to your Personal information section in your account
- Scroll down to Airline Loyalty memberships. Click on Add membership to add a new one.
- To update an existing number, click on it.
- Update the details and click on save.
To update Airline Loyalty memberships details of saved travellers:
- Go to your Personal information section in your account
- Scroll down to Saved Travellers section and select the relevant traveller for whom you want to update the Airline Loyalty membership
- Scroll down to the Airline Loyalty memberships section and add a new number. Click on Save.
You can also add your own or a traveller's Airline Loyalty membership details in the Traveller's details section of the booking process.
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